Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Days of Writing - Day 1: 10 Potential Book Titles I'd Like to Write

Writer's Digest has posted a 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises to keep our minds limber. Today's prompt seems simple enough; I merely have to create the titles for 10 books I'd like to write. So, here goes.

1. Jilted, Kilted, and Liquored-Up: My Life as as an Irish-American Writer. This will be the title of my (first) memoir.

2. Knight Time. The first book in my Patrick Knight series of mysteries.

3. Game Mastering for the Story Teller.

4. Chase Your Dreams Like They Stole Your Last $50. A big idea book on recognizing and achieving your dreams.

5. Knight Fall. A book in my Patrick Knight series of mysteries.

6. Last Knight. A book in my Patrick Knight series of mysteries.

7. Strings Sing the Heart. A fantasy romance about a Bard.

8. McDonald on Asimov. A study of the themes of Isaac Asimov's fictional works.

9. Of Bandors and Banjos. A history of the banjo in American music.

10. I Can't Love You Anymore. A collection of poetry and stories of failed love.